- September 9,1993: Exchange of letters between PLO
Chairman Yasser Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.
- September 13, 1993: Oslo 1 -
The Israeli- Palestinian Declaration of Principles.
- May 5, 1994: Gaza-Jericho Self-Rule
- August 29, 1994:Agreement on Preparatory
Transfer of Powers and Responsibilities.
- September 28, 1995: Oslo 2 - Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement on the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
- January 17, 1997: Protocol Concerning
the Redeployment in Hebron.
- October 23, 1998: Wye River Memorandum.
- September 4, 1999: Sharm el-Sheikh
- September, 2000: Second Intifada.
- Feb. 2005: Second Intifada ends with Sham el-Sheikh summit.
- Jan 17 2009: Israel announces a unilateral end to Operation Cast Lead.
- November 21, 2012: Israel and the Hamas militant group agreed to a cease-fire Wednesday to end eight days of the fiercest fighting in nearly four years, promising to halt attacks on each other and ease an Israeli blockade constricting the Gaza Strip. The deal was brokered by the new Islamist government of Egypt. Under the agreement, Egypt will play a key role in maintaining the peace.(1)
Other articles of interest may include:
1). http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-202_162-57552203/timeline-of-recent-israel-gaza-violence/