The Prophecy - Messiah's Rejection |
Old Testament Prophecy |
New Testament Fulfillment |
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Now to you who believe, this stone is precious. But to those who do not believe, The Stone the builders rejected has become the capstone (1 Peter 2:7). |
The stone (something or someone) that was rejected or despised in the past has now become the head or chief cornerstone.
Jesus, known as the stone that the builder rejected, has been rejected by some ever since the day He announced His Messiahship (Luke 4:20-30). The fulfillment of this prophecy continues even today, close to 2000 years after His death and resurrection.
Each of us have the opportunity to accept or reject who Jesus said He is, through the gift of free will. That's because God loves us enough to let us make our own choice. He also loves us enough to have sent His only Son, to die on a cross for all of us, making a way for each of us who choose not to reject Jesus as Lord, to have Eternal Life (John 3:16).
Recognition of Jesus as the "Stone that the builders rejected" also comes from other areas of the New Testament including Acts 4:11-12; 1 Peter 2:4-8; Matthew 21:42 and Romans 9:32-33.
Traditional Jewish Commentary:
Many Jewish commentators recognize Psalm 118 as a Messianic Psalm.(1)
Examples Of Messiahs Rejection And How They Were Overcome:
Before Birth:
As a Baby:
As a Living Messiah:.
At Death:
After Resurrection:
Even Today:
Jesus told of His own coming rejection when He said, "The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, chief priests and teachers of the law, and he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life" (Luke 9:22).
The prophet Isaiah who was writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit speaking about our Messiah wrote the following about our Messiah in Isaiah 53:
It is not just the Messiah who was rejected but many of God's prophets who for told of His coming. Isaiah also mentions this stone as a stumbling block in Isaiah 8:14 and again in Isaiah 28:16.
Other rejection prophecies include:Rejection and betrayal can be found linked together in the prophecy from Zechariah 11:4-14. For more on this please read The Betrayal Of Jesus Prophecy.
In Isaiah 6:10 there is a prophecy that Israel will reject their messiah due to spiritual blindness. The New Testament confirms that this occurred in John 12:39-41.
Another prophecy that points towards Messiah's rejection is Psalm 69:4. The New Testament confirms this prophecies fulfillment is linked to Jesus in John 15:24-25.
Articles related to the Messiah in the Psalms include:
1). Artscroll Tanach Series on Psalms 86-118. p.40.