False Doctrine: Simply put a false doctrine is a belief that does not match the Word of God. That is one reason it's good to know
what the Bible says, so we can recognize
when a teaching contradicts it.(1)
Other Areas Of Concern Would Include:
- Emerging Church - Still developing - A newer movement wanting to change things up from traditional ways and teachings.
- Open Theism - Teaches that through our own free will some (biblical) events are still open and and can be changed. Therefore God cannot know the future 100 percent.
- Preterism - Teaches that End Time Bible prophecy has already been fulfilled.
- Social Gospel - Teaches the Churches first priority is to help the poor.
- Theistic Evolution - Teaches a range of views about how the science of evolution relates to religious beliefs.
- Universalism - May teach that everyone will go to heaven regardless of their current belief.
Heresy: A deliberate denial of revealed truth from God's Word accompanied with acceptance of error and a self-willed opinion in opposition to biblical truth. Those who teach heresy are determined to convince others to accept their belief system, despite what the Bible teaches.(1)
There are many false teachings and doctrines out there. Always reconfirm your position with scripture. God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
O Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to you, avoiding worldly and empty chatter and the opposing arguments of what is falsely called “knowledge”—which some have professed and thus gone astray from the faith.
Grace be with you. 1 Timothy 6:20
1) Definition from Dr. Charles Stanley.
Danger False Doctrine image from Google Images referenced back to: