Calendar Comparison Chart - 483 Years
Jewish Calendar (7X7) + (62X7) Years = 483 Years 483 Years |
Gregorian Calendar 444 B.C. to A.D. 33 = 476 Years 476 Years (1) |
1). Since only one year expired between 1 B.C. and A.D. 1 the total is 476 not 477.
2). A total of 476 years divided by four (a leap year every four years) gives 119 additional days. But three days must be subtracted from 119 because centennial years are not leap years, though every 400th year is a leap year.
Other links of interest include:
Walvoord, John F. ; Zuck, Roy B. ; Dallas Theological Seminary: The Bible Knowledge Commentary : An Exposition of the Scriptures. Wheaton, IL : Victor Books, 1983-c1985, S. 1:1362