At the departure of Sabbath, one recites Havdalah holding a cup of wine. Either he or someone else holds a multi-wicked candle or two ordinary candles with their flames touching each other. Aromatic spices are held in the left hand preferably, or they may be placed on the table.(1)
There are certain physical symbols we use to say goodbye including a multi wick candle and spices in a container.
"Hineh! E-l Yeshuati - Evtach
v'lo Efchad!
Ki Azzi v'Zimrat Ya-h Ado-nai,
Va'Yehi Li Liyshuah!"
"Behold! The Mighty One is
my Salvation -
I shall therefore be confident, and will not be afraid!
For my strength and my song is G-d,
The Master of All,
And He Has Been for me a Salvation!"
"U'Sheavtem mayim
Miyma'ayenei Ha'Yeshuah!"
"And you shall draw water with
From the Springs of Salvation…"
As we acknowledged stepping up in holiness with
a blessing over wine in the Kiddush at the beginning of Shabbat, so do we mark
the stepping down and away from the holiness of Shabbat at its end with a blessing
over wine in the Havdalah.
"Baruch Ata Ado-nai Elo-heinu
Melech Ha'Olam,
Borei peri ha'gafen"
"Blessed are You, Holy Master,
our G-d, King of the Universe,
Who creates the fruit of the vine"
(All present respond Amen)
In order to revive ourselves from the loss of the "Neshama Yetera," the extra dimension added to our soul by Shabbat, we inhale from aromatic spices and, naturally, precede this with a blessing to G-d who provided this aspect of nature as all others.
"Baruch Ata Ado-nai Elo-heinu
Melech Ha'Olam,
Borei minei Besamim"
"Blessed are You, Holy Master,
our G-d, King of the Universe,
Who creates various species of aromatic spices."
(All present respond Amen)
According to Jewish Tradition, Man discovered fire,
as the first manifestation of his G-dly intelligence, on the very first "Motzaei
Shabbat," Saturday night, at the very beginning of his emergence into history.
As the foundation of all technology and by virtue of its representation of the
aspect of comfort in human life, this discovery deserves a special blessing:
"Baruch Ata Ado-nai Elo-heinu
Melech Ha'Olam,
Borei m'orei HaEsh"
"Blessed are You, Holy Master,
our G-d, King of the Universe,
Who creates various sources of fire."
(All present respond Amen)
Sometimes when the timing of the Havdalah service is modified due to another holiday taking place at the same time (i.e. Day of Atonement or Tishah B'Av) the candle and spices are omitted along with the very beginning of the prayer.(1)
1). The Complete Artscroll Siddur p.619.