JewishRoots.Net would like to thank the following ministries
and individuals who so selfishly donated their material to this web site
in order to help promote the truth behind the word of God. Thanks are
also extended for their ongoing support. Appreciation is also given to
all who helped in any way (especially prayer), who may have contributed
but not have been recognized here. Every effort has been made to give credit
where credit is due. If you made a contribution but was not recognized
please let us know and we will correct the oversight as soon as possible.
Thank You.
Contributing Ministries:
- B'nai B'rith (Calendar contributions).
- Chosen People Ministries - Contributed Several Articles - Reposted with permission.
- Christian Jew Foundation, P.O. Box 345, San Antonio Texas, 78292 - 0345.
- Gates of Eden , P.O. Box 2257, East Peoria,
Il 61611-0257. - The Botkin Bimonthly (Daniel Botkin) contributed several
articles always used with permission.
- HaDavar Messianic Ministries, 14804 Sand
Canyon Ave. Irving Ca. 92618-1726 (Psalm 110) Used with permission. hadavar.org
- HaDavar Ministries. (Psalm22) Used with Permission.
- International Board of Jewish Missions (Everlasting Nation Magazine) - Testimonies reposted with permission.
- In Touch Ministries with Dr. Charles Stanley - Sermon Reviews.
- Jews for Jesus 60 Haight Street San Francisco,
Ca 94102-5895 Contributed several articles always used with permission.
- Jewish Voice International. Jewish Voice
Today magazine (Jewishvoice.org).
- Messianic Good News - P.O. Box 607, Wading River NY, 11792-0607 - Several testimonies reposted with permission.
- Messianic Times: P.O.Box 2190 Niagara Falls,
NY 14302.
- Midwest Messianic Center (Marty Zide Director 636-519-1885).
- Ohr Somayach International (Description of the Talmud).
- Shalach Ministries.
- Sid Roth - It's Supernatural. Reposted with permission.
- The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministries:
P.O. Box 908 Bellmawr, New Jersey 08099 contributed in several articles
(Used with permission).
- Zola Levitt Ministries Box 12268 Dallas,
TX 75225-0268 contributed several articles always used with permission.
- Special Thanks to Ben Sidran for permission to use Hatikva from the Life's A Lesson CD.
Professional Services:
- Designware Systems, Inc. Jen Miller - Design Specialist,
Dale Miller- System Specialist.
Reading Material:
- Answering Jewish Objections To Jesus Volumes 1-5 Michael Brown.
- A Rabbi Looks At The Last Days by Rabbi Jonathan Bernis.
- Daniel Artscroll Tanach Series published by Mesorah Publication.
- Elusive Victory by Trevor N. Dupuy.
- Fasting by Jentezen Franklin
- Mashiach: The Principle of Mashiach and the Messianic Era in Jewish Law and Tradition by Jacob Immanuel Schochet.
- Meredith's Book of Bible Lists by J.L. Meredith.
- Rabbis Meet Jesus The Messiah Published by Messianic Good News.
- The Biblical And Historical Background
Of The Jewish Holy Days, by Abraham P. Bloch is copyrighted material
and information was used with permission of the publisher. KTAV Publishing,
900 Jefferson Street. Box 6249, Hoboken, NJ 07030-0102.
- The Coming Prince by Sir Robert Anderson.
- The Complete ArtScroll Siddur Published by Mesorah Publications, ltd.
- The Fall Feasts of Israel by Mitch and Zhava Galser (Chosen People Ministries).
- The Family Treasury of Jewish Holidays by Malka Drucker.
- The Feast of Israel by
Bruce Scott of Friends of Israel ministries (Used with permission).
- The Jewish Timeline Encyclopedia by Mattis Kantor.
- The Messiah in the Old Testament by Walter C. Kaiser Jr.
- The New Evidence That Demands A Verdict by Josh McDowell.
- The Prophet Isaiah by Victor Buksbazen.
- The Seven Festivals of the Messiah by Eddie
Chumney of Hebraic Ministries
Int'l (Used with permission).
- Things to Come by J. Dwight Pentecost.
- Understanding a End Times Comprehensive Prophecy Approach by Paul N. Benware.
- What The Rabbis Knew About The Messiah by Rachmiel Frydland (Third Edition).
- Witnessing to Jews by Moishe and Ceil Rosen (Jews for Jesus).
- Bible Works 4.
- Bitsela Artz (www.bitsela.com).
- Davka Software for Internet development.
- Dreamweaver.
- Logos Bible Software.
- The Soncino Talmud (Judaic Classics Library) Davka Corporation.
- The Soncino Zohar (Judaic Classic Library) Davka Corporation.
Special Thanks:
- Special thanks to Melody Brand for her patience and support.
Web Sites:
- judaism.about.com (All information was used
with permission).
- BiblicalHolidays.com.
This web site offers many insightful remarks concerning Jewish holidays
(All information was used with permission).
- Empoeramerica.org Empower America (All information used with permission).
Miscellaneous Acknowledgments:
- Bob Hostetler. (31 Biblical Virtues to Pray with Your Kids).
- Cheryl Cooper for help in the proofreading
- Michael Radwin for the use of Hebrew/Gregorian
calendar converter (Used with permission).
- Pastor Kenneth Rawson (Israel Destiny Logo).
- Pastor John MacArthur (Miscellaneous
- Randall Price (Miscellaneous commentary).
- Rob. Congdon Calendar (The Friends of Israel
Ministries used with permission).
- The American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise
(Calendar Notes).
Thank You to any person, organization or ministry that may have been unintentionally left out or overlooked.